1. Psychology of Color

Psychology of Color
Many designers focus heavily on color schemes when they are working on logos, graphics or layouts. This is because the way a color is laid out will ultimately affect the impression and overall mood of the viewer. This infographic describes how each color maes a viewer feel, giving you an idea of how they will perceive your design.

2. What Your Web Design Says About You

What your Web Design Says About You
Going a little bit deeper, this site is also made to show you how certain colors create certain feelings in the viewer. They provide information on a lot of the in-between colors, such as light blue verses indigo, or pink vs. white or red. They peg it as “Color Science”, and show you how to properly utilize it for your own benefit.

3. How Color Affects Our Purchases

How Color Affects Our Purchases
Color affects more than mood, it also changes our buying habits. According to studies, there is an 80percent change depending on color when it comes to online shops, ads and campaigns. This site provides tips on each color, to show you how you can aggressively or subtely call to your market.

4. Using Color in Graphic Design

Using Color in Graphic Design
A great, printable reference sheet that shows how colors can be used more effectively in marketing.

5. Most Powerful Colors On the Web

Ever wonder what the best colors on the web are? Using a study based on logos of the most influential and powerful companies on the web, they compiled an infographic that works as a list. From the dominating blue of Facebook, to the red of YouTube, this is a must see.

6. What Different Colors Mean Around the World

What Different Colors Mean Around the World


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